Ben Dover Other Funny Gay Names

Funny Names for people

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17th Jun, 2005 | 09:48 am
mood: creativecreative

Ok, simple little comment hog time...

I challenge you to come up with some daft names (real and imaginary) such as Robin Banks, Eileen Dover, Miss A. Propriate, Miss Take, Ben Dover, and so on.

Now, I have a BIG list of names already (2000+ I think), that is hidden behind the cut... so you're gonna be challenged to think of new ones!

I know there are a few duplicates (not had time to shorten the list by removing the duplicates - but I am gonna do that soon).

GivenName Surname Description
Kareem O . deCrop
Hawthorne N . Yercyde
Doll R. Bill ... (Dollar Bill)
Peter Abbott
Alf Abet (Alphabet)
Alf Abett
Marcus Absent (Mark Us Absent)
Marcus Absent
Ivan Ed Ache
Mary Adalitalam
Neve Adda (Nevada) - See "Cal Efornia", "Elle Noise", "Louise E. Anna"
Phil Adelphia
Phil Adelphia
Mal Adjusted
Clinton Administration
Frank Admission
Frank Admission
Lyle Ike Adogg (Lie Like a Dog)
Matt Adore
Matt Adore
Pete Aftermey
Alex M. Again
Bjorn Again
Mitch Again (Michigan)
Rose Again
Caldwell Ahead
Candice E. Ahmbizzy
Kurt Ainrod
Doris Ajar
Jeanette Akenja-Nearing (Genetic Engineering)
Miss Alanius (Miscellaneous)
Armand Aleg
Herb Alessence
Alf Alfa
Norm Ality
Norm Ality
Carrie All
Carrie All
Colin Allcarrs
Colin Allcars (Calling all Cars)
Miss U. Allott
Herb Altey
Colin Ambulance
Mike Amero
Sal Ami (Salami) See - Cole Kutz, Bill Lowney, Sal Sage and Peppy Roni
Brett Andbutter
Lucy Andesi
Nick L. Andime (Nickel and Dime)
Darlene Angel
Harold Angelsing
Ann Angrimob
Liv Anletliv
Louise E. Anna (Louisiana) - See "Cal Efornia", "Neve Vadda" "Elle Noise"
Sarah Anne Dippitee
Claire Annette
Huang Annsaw (Wrong Answer)
Pat Answer
Pat Answer
Phillip Antopitov
Aldo Anything
Bea Apal
Miles Apart
Yvonne Apeesamey
Hal Apeno
Tobias Apigg
Drew Apitchure
Minnie Apolis
Jonathon Apple
Grant Application
Grant Application
Dennis Appointment
Eve Apporate
Sosumi Areti
Carl Arm (Car Alarm)
Hugh Arndt
Mack Aroni
Orson Around
Evan Lee Arps (Heavenly Harps)
Bowen Arrow (Bow and Arrow)
William Arryme
Alf Artigan
Viv Ascious
Gabe Asher (Gay Basher)
Phil Atio (Fellatio)
Luke Atmyass (Look At My Ass)
Ray D. Ator
Jerry Atrics (Geriatrics)
Jerry Atrik
Pete E. Atrition
Natalie Attired
Jerry Attrick
Luke Audavindo
Herb Avore
Tony Awards
Miles Away
Miles Away
Gil T. Azell (Guilty as Hell)
Gil T. Azell
Claire Azmud
Ellen Back
Helen Back (Hell and Back)
Helen Back
Stan Back
Wayne Back
Izzy Backyet (Is He Back Yet?)
Chris P. Bacon
Megan Bacon (Makin' Bacon)
Megan Bacon
Ivanna B. Badd
Paul Baer
Ted E. Baer (Teddy Bear)
Rudy Bagga
Carrie R Baggs
Winnie Bago (Winnebago)
Crystal Ball (Crystal Ball)
Cassidy Ballot
Titus Balsac (Tightest Ball Sack)
Harry Balzac (Hairy Ball Sack)
Ray Ban
Ed Banger
Betty Bangzer (Bet He Bangs Her)
Rob Banks
Robin Banks (Robbing Banks)
Robin Banks
Fred Bare
Amelia Barfup
Pearl Barley
Candy Barr
Gabe Barr (Gay Bar)
Will Barrow
Cain Basket
Peg Basket
Ali Basster
Master Bates (Masturbates)
Anita Bath (I Need A Bath)
Anita Bath
Roman Bath
Adam Baum
May Be
Juana Bea (Wanna-Be)
Sandy Beach
Sandy Beach
Paul Bearer
Betty Beatzer (Bet He Beats Her)
Igor Beaver (Eager Beaver)
Igor Beaver
Al Beback
Hugh Becha
Rusty Bedsprings
Lola Beedow
Angus Beef
Frieda Beemee
Hugh Beeotch (You Bitch)
Lew De Behavoire
Nadia Believeme
Sarah Bellem
Chastity Belt
Rob Berbaron
Kim Berley
Karel Bi-candellite
Lois Bidder
Laura Biden
Anita Biernow
Iona Bigyot
Ben Binjing
Al Bino
Aunty Biotic (Anti-Biotic)
Carrie-Ann Bird
Earl E. Bird
Felipe D. Bird
Mina Bird
Abbie Birthday (Happy Birthday)
Fletcher Bisceps (Flex Your Bisceps)
Hugh Jim Bissel
Luke Bizzy
Alex Blaine
Adam Blewitt
Howie Blewitt
Isla Blidge
Sheila Blidge
Minnie Blinds
Drew Blood (Drew Blood)
Dru Blood
Bill Board (Billboard)
Bill Board
Iona Boat
Wendy Boatcumsin
Wendy Boatcumsin
Hillary Boatharbour
Abel Bodied
Abel Bodied
Selma Body
Lance Boil
Fran Bois
Adam Bomb (Atom Bomb)
Nora Bone
Nora Bone
Papa Boner (Pop a Boner)
Sam Boney
Rita Book (Read a Book)
Rita Book
Rhoda Booke
Jim Boot
Diana Boredom
Rowan Bote
Don Bothermy
Rock Bottom
Wendy Boughbreaks
Tom Bowling
Nancy Boy
Mary Boychild
Lance Boyle
Bernadette Bra
Olive Branch
Dale E. Bread (Daily Bread)
Daley Bread
Carl Breakdown
Sir Kit Breaker
Storm Brewing
Lou Bricant
Lou Briccant (Lubricant)
June Bride
Bernadette Bridge
Brook Lynn Bridge (Brooklyn Bridge)
Buck N. Bronco
Jane Brook
Vera Bruptly
Annie Buddyhome (Anybody Home)
June Bugg
Orson Buggy
Horrie Bull
Isadora Bull
Terry Bull
Terry Bull
Terry Bulsmell
Ariel Bummerman
Aaron Buoy
Des Buratto (Desperado)
Ada Burger
Cy Burnott
Cy Burns (Sideburns)
Tim Burr (Timber)
Tim Burr
Misty Bus
Holly Bush
Ivy Bush
Kenitra Bush (Can I Eat Your Bush)
Belle Lee Button
Miya Buttreaks (My Butt Reaks)
Maya Buttreeks
Seymour Butts (See more butts)
Seymour Butz
Willie Buyit
Betty Bye
Stan Bymee
Earl E. Byrd (Early Bird)
Julius Caesar-Salad
Patty Cake
Rhoda Camel
Rhoda Camel
Buck Caneer
Jerry Cann
Jose Canusee
Dee Capitated (Decapitated)
Colleen Cardd (Calling Card)
Wilma Cargo
Ray N. Carnation (Reincarnation)
Jack D. Carr
Lisa Carr
Parker Carr
Rusty Carr
Orson Cart
Justin Case (Just in Case)
Justin Case
Justin Case
Sue Case (Suitcase)
Winsom Cash
Tom Cat
Ed U. Cation
Brandon Cattle
Russell Cattle
Ira Caull
Daisy Chain
Hiram Cheap
Chris Chen
Ollie Cherhat
Buster Cherry (Bust her Cherry)
Sue Cherself
Alma Children
Quinton Chingme (Quit Touching Me)
Don Chino
Dewey Chizone
Emma Chizzit
Art. E. Choke
Artie Choke (Artichoke)
Scott Chonderox
Freda Choose
Buster Chops
Ann Chovie (Anchovy)
Ann Chovie
Mary Christmas (Merry Christmas)
Mary Christmas
Mary Christmas
Monty Christo
Ivan Chu
Dorothy Church
Dick N. Cider (Dick Inside Her)
David City
Natalie Cladd
Heidi Clare
Hedda D. Class
Norman Clature
Warren T. Claus
Preston Cleaned
Lowden Clear (Loud and Clear)
Seymour Clearly
Seymour Clearly
Sonny Climate
Sonny Climate
Hilda Climb
Oliver Cloezoff
Oliver Closeoff (All of her Clothes Off)
Walter Closet
Edna Clouds
Billy Club
Mahatma Coat
Levon Coates
Molly Coddle
Molly Coddle
Barry Codout
Chris Coe
Kaye Ken Coffee (Cake and Coffee)
Sheri Cola (Cherry Cola)
Mel N. Collie
Dot Com
Dee Compose
Noah Comprenday
Gus Comzadia (Gas Comes Outta Ya)
Anna Conda
Sammy Conductor
Norman Conquest
Norman Conquest
Freida Convict (Free the Convict)
Kent Cook (Can't Cook)
Horace Cope
Dusty Corner
Terry Cottar
Noah Count
Curtis E. Counter
Noah Countingfortaste
Gaye Couples
Alfred Cove
Carol Covert
Lou Cowt
Richard Cranium (Well...another name for "Dick Head")
Red Crank
Robin D. Craydle (Robbing the Cradle)
Justin Credible (Just Incredible)
Justin Credible
Ben Crobbery (Bank Robbery)
Chris Cross
Vera Cross
Madame Crotch (My Damn Crotch)
Val Crow (Velcro)
Theresa Crowd
Barb E. Cue (Barbecue)
Cal Culator (Calculator...duh)
Cal Culator
Izzy Cumming (Is He Cumming)
Izzy Cumming
Dick Cumoff (Dick Come Off) - A real name in a phone book!
Stanley Cup
Eddie Current
Eddie Current
Rip Current
Annette Curtain
Percy Cute
Joe Czarfunee (Jokes Are Funny)
Imelda Czechs
Arnie Dadrink
Douglas Daft
Barbie Dahl
Ben Dair
Barry D'Alive (Buried Alive)
Joanna Dance
Stan Dandeliver
Anna Dapter
Ian de Dark
Cole Dasice
Ram Dass (Rammed Ass) - This is the actual name of an author of a story I read!
Harley Davidson
Ulee Daway (You Lead the Way)
Colette A. Day Call It A Day
Holly Day
May Day
Sonny Day
Sonny Day
Holly Dayin (Holiday Inn) - See "Mary Ott (Marriot)" and "Moe Telsiks (Motel Six)"
Holly Dayin
Annie Daynow
Sam Dayoulpay (Some day you'll pay)
Bobby Dazzler
Homer D'Brave
Ron D'Campfire
Colin D'Cops
Robin D'Craydell
Mark de Ball
Alan De Family
Alvin De Lottery
Glen de Low
Vincent de Paul
Elvis de Pelvis
Phil de Tankup
Dwayne de Tubb
Phil de Tubb
Donna D. Dead
Claire DeAir (Clear the Air)
Sasha Deal
Cora DeApple
Mrs. U. Dearly
Bella DeBall
Owen DeBank
Ben Debarrs
Carrie Debaybi
Will deBeest
Phil N. deBlanke
Bertha Deblues
Jack N. Debocks
Rex DeCarrs
Eliza Decouch
Ellis Dee (L.S.D)
Ian de Deepend
Wayne Deer (Reindeer)
Casey Deeya (Quesadilla)
Colin deFuzz
Phil DeGrave (Fill the grave)
Warren deGulfe
Len DeHand (Lend a Hand)
Carrie DeKoffin (Carry the Coffin)
Laura DeLand
Moe DeLawn (Moe the Lawn)
Major Delay
Phil A. Delphia (Philadelphia)
Otto Delupe
Barry deLyve
Gil Demall
Hugh deMann (You Da Man!)
Oscar Demov
Rhoda Dendron
Rhoda Dendron
Denice Denephew
Al Dente
Al DePantzeu (I'll De-Pants You)
Candice B. DePlace (Can This Be The Place)
Scott Shawn DeRocks (Scotch on the Rocks)
Lev DeRuum
Maura DeSame
Rachel DeScrimination (Racial Descrimination)
Ernest Desire
Ernest Desire
Carrie Desofa
Eva Destruction
Ron Desvous
Kent C. Detrees
Duane DeVane (Drain the Vain)
Jason DeVillain
Ron Devue
Bennett DeWaist
Doreen DeWall
Kenny Dewitt (Can He Do It?)
Manuel Dexterity
Ann B. Dextrous (Ambidextrous)
Bette D'Farm
Chuck D'Fitt
Casey Dia
Mal E. Dicshen
Katie Did
Betty Diddent
Jawana Die (Do Ya Wanna Die?)
Sam Diego
Ken U. Digget
Marcia Dimes
Marsha Dimes (March of Dimes)
Sophie Dimwell
Bill Dinabridge
Bill Ding (Building)
Bill Ding
Stan Dingproud
Ben Dinroad
Ray Dio
Winnie Dipoo (Winnie the Pooh)
Reba Dirtchee
Mina Discrepancy
Duncan Disorderly
Cliff Diver
Sarah Doctorinthehouse (Is There a Doctor in the House) - Old Knock Knock joke!
Jack Doff
Nick Doff
Stan Doffich
Pat D. Dogg
Ayma Dommy (I'm A Dummy)
Mack Donalds
Carrie Donanon
Dewey R. Donti
Will Doo
Will Doo
John Dory
Winn Dough
Ben Dover (Bend Over)
Ben Dover
Ben Dover
Eileen Dover (I Leaned Over)
Eileen Dover
Ilene Dover (I Leaned Over)
Ilene Dover
Skip Dover
Burnedette Down (Burnt it Down)
Neil Down
Neil Down
Phil Down (Feel Down)
Sid Down (Sit Down)
Stan Down
Warren Down
Sid Downe
Mark Downs
Mark Downs
Carrie Dowt
Kerry Dowt
Lynn C. Doyle
Bernadette Draftcard
Kathy Dralspire
Drew P Draughers
Penny Dreadful
Natalie Drest
Anita Drink
Ivanna Drink
Celine Drip
Celine Drip
Minnie Van Driver
Ann Drogeny
Ann Dromeda
Tia Dropps
Dan Druff (Dandruff)
Dan Druff
Titus A. Drum
Mal O. Druss
Anne Dryer
Burnett D'Stake
Dustin Dubree
Bill Due
Bill Due
Hugh R. Dumm
Morrie Dundant
Sue Dunhym
Ida Dunmore
Hugh Dunnit
Stan Dup (Stand up)
Jack Dupp (Jacked Up)
Stan Dupp
Lee D'urville
Woody DuWitt
Barb Dwyer (Barbed Wire)
Barb Dwyer
Barb Dwyer
Tillie Dyes
Stu Earley
Brighton Early (Bright and Early)
Otto B. Early
Rose Early
Bruce Easily
Mike Easter
Herb Eaverstinks (Her Beaver Stinks)
Cliff Edge
Gladys Eeya (Glad to See Ya)
Cal Efornia (California) - See "Neve Adda", "Elle Noise", "Louise E. Anna"
Hammond Eggs (Ham and Eggs)
Hammond Eggs
Eunice Eichell
Dennis Elbow
Diane Ella
May Elman
Evan Elpus
Evan Elpus
Robin Emblind
Luke Emeia
Chip Endale
Bart Ender (Bartender)
Bart Ender
Brooke Ennail
Ike Entell
Esther Entpaid
Barb Eque
Barb Eque
Jim Equipment
Pat Erfamilious
Burton Ernie
Morris Ertiv
Phil Erup
Polly Ester
Col Esterol
Col Esterol
Paul E. Esther
Cath Eter
Mark Etplace
Cath Etter
Rick Etts
John Euknow
Crispin Even
Willie Everlearn
Bernie Evidence
Howard Ewdune
Mark Exams
Gloria N. Excelsis
Dean Eyed
Ann L. Eyes
Bea D. Eyes
Claude S. Eyezout
Dee Faced (Defaced)
Benny Factor
Allota Fagina (A lot of vagina) From the great movie Austin Powers!
Vanna T. Fair
Kenny Fakur (Can he Fuck her) - Naughty, naughty, naughty...
Katja Fallingstar
Penny Farthing
Celia Fate
Hanna Fate
Karen Feeding
Denton Fender
Annette Ferfishen
Bea Ferrone
Eddie Fication
Morty Fide
Terry Fie
C. Howett Fields
Paddy Fields
Buck Fifty
Harrison Fire (Hair is on Fire)
Harrison Fire
Ringo Fire
Hugo First (You Go First)
Hugo First
Marlon Fisher
Benny Fishery
A. Nicholas Fivepennies
Ray C. Flagg
Hawk Flemm
Roland Flickett
Winifred Flintstonedahl
Belle E. Flops
Wilton Flowers
Roy L. Flush
Martha Fokker (Motherfucker)
Bill Folde
April Fool
Gail Force-Wind
Rusty Ford
Juan Fordemoney
Con Form
Neil B. Formi
Neil B. Formy (Kneel Before Me)
Glen Forrest
Sally Forth
Juan Fortharoad (One For the Road)
Colt Fortifive
Ilene Forward
Archibald Fountain
Bob Frapples (Bob for Apples)
Bob Frapples
Jose Frayed (Who's Afraid)
Jose Frayed
Sheeza Freak (She's a Freak)
Bjorn Free (Born Free)
Bjorn Free
Lando De Free
Scott Free
Scott Free
I.P. Freehly (I Pee Freely)
U.P. Freehly (You Pee Freely)
I.P. Freely
Al Fresco
Al Fresco
Harvey Fresh
Gladys Friday
Mal Function
Ella Funt
Candice B. Fureal (Can This Be For Real)
Dustin D. Furniture (Dusting the Furniture)
Douglas Furr
May Furst
Frank Furter (Frankfurter)
Frank Furter
Frank Furter
Con Fuse
Ira Fuse (I Refuse)
Ella Fynoe
Pussy Galore (Well...What the hell do you think it means?!)
Ellie Gant
George Gantuan
Doug Garden
Herb Garden
Herb Garden
Rose Garden
Roland Garros
Pearl E. Gates (Pearly Gates)
Pearl E. Gates
Ali Gator (Ali Gator)
Trudy Gauntlet
Evans Gayte (Heavan's Gate)
Hy Gene (Hygiene)
Pat Gently
Other Geographical
Dan Geruss (Dangerous)
Rocco Gibralter
Carson O. Gin (Carcinogen)
Fran Gipani
Dan Gleebitz (Dangly Bits)
Dan Gling
Luke Adam Go (Look at Him Go)
Owen Goal
Billy Goat
Wayne Goaway
Willy Gofar
Shelly Gofree
Carmen Gogh
Freida Gogh
Maya Gogh
Mary Gold (Marigold)
Mary Gold
David N Goliath
Polly A Gonal
Helen Gone
Avery Goodbook
Delia Goodhand
Alan Goodtime
Al Gore-Rythim (Algorithym)
Katherine Gorge
Ali Goricle
Mary Goround
Mary Goround
Omar Gosh
Fraser Government
Howard Government
Dick Gozinia (Dick Goes In Ya)
Ho Lee Grail
Anna Gram
Doug Graves (Dug Graves)
Doug Graves
Walter E. Graves
Andy Gravity (Anti-Gravity)
Marty Graw
Harris Gray
Theo Graymare
Teresa Green (Trees are Green)
Therese R. Green
Di Gress
Ira Gret
Myra Gret
Nora Gretz
Carmen Ground
Warwick Grove
Kirk A. Guard
Lou Gubrious
Lynn Guini (Linguini)
Amber Guity
Amber Guity
Ray Gunn
Ray Gunn
Ira Gurgitate
Hugo Gurll
Avery Haffenauer
Dewey Hafta
Nita Haircut
Justin Hale
Justin Hale
Douglas S. Halfempty (The Glass is Half Empty)
Val Haller
Armand Hammer
Jack Hammer
Jack Hammer
Helena Hanbaskett (Hell In A Hand Basket)
Joanna Hand (D'ya Want a Hand?)
Helena Handbasket
Eve N. Handed
Cliff Hanger
Cliff Hanger
Mick Hanick
Sydney Harbour
Otis S. Hard
Laura Lynne Hardy
Anita Harecutt
Rhoda Harley
Phil Harmonic
Phil Harmonic
Ariel Hassle (A Real Hassle)
Marion Haste
Barry De Hatchet
Barry D. Hatchett (Bury the Hatchett)
Juan De Hattatime (One Day at a Time)
May King Hay
Roland E. Hay
Dick Head (Uhhh...Dick Head)
Kimmy Head (Give Me Head)
Nadia Head
Jeff Healitt (Did Ya Feel It?)
Rusty Heaps
Karina Heavyload
Alexander Heights
Anna Heim
Anna Heim
Quint S. Henschel (Quintessential)
Denny Juan Heredatt (Did Anyone Hear That?) - Sent by my friend...Denny!
Red Herring
Estelle Hertz
O. Howard Hertz
Thad Hertz
Helen Highwater
Bruce Highway
Eve Hill (Evil)
Herbie Hind (Her Behind)
Russ T. Hinge
Anita Hoare (I Need A Whore)
Ida Hoe (Idaho)
Ida Hoe
Doug A. Hole
Doug A. Hole
Aretha Holly
Benny Honda
Rusty Hook
Inga Hootz
Freda Hostages
Erin Hotwater
Dwight House
Roger Houston
Amanda Huggenkiss
Amanda Hugnkiss (A Man to Hug and Kiss)
Ivana Humpalot (I Want to Hump A Lot) - From Austin Powers!
Betty Humpser (Bet He Humps Her)
Mike Hunt (My Cunt) - I couldn't resist putting this up...
Wolfe Hunter
Denise Hurt
Ewan Huzarmy
Jacqueline Hyde
Jaqueline Hyde (Jekyll and Hyde) - I saw this on some kids show (Very nice)
Tanya Hyde (Tan Your Hide)
Tanya Hyde
Dee Hydration
Torah Hyman (Tore a Hymen)
Buster Hymen (Bust her Hymen)
Toby Hynde
Ed Ible (Edible)
Ross Ice-Shelf
Harmon Ikka (Harmonica)
Adam Illion
Mimi Imfurst
Haile Improbable
Frank Incense
Justin Inch
Russell Ingleaves (Rustling Leaves)
Quimby Ingmeen (Quit Being Mean)
Emil Initself
Harmon Injury
Ivan Inkling
Phil Inn
Marge Innastraightline (March in a Straight Line)
Freda Innocent
Howard Ino
Rush Inuit
Ed Ipus
Brandon Irons
Phillip Island
Gilbert Islands
Solomon Islands
Dean Isle
Les Ismorr
Ivan Itch
Ivan Itchinanus (I Hate an Itching Anus)
Aldo Itmiselph
Hal Itosis
Duke Itout
Arthur Itus
Miss T. Ize
Haywood Jablowme (Hey, Would You Blow Me?)
Haywood Jabuzoff
Hal Jalikakick (How'd ya like a kick)
Pearl Jam
Isadora Jar
Dora Jarre
Haywood Jashootmee (Hey Would You Shoot Me?)
Hugh Jass (Huge Ass)
Hugh Jass
Aaron Jeglad
Eve Ann Jellical
Oren Jellow
Ben Jerelbo
Stan Jerground
Dan Jerous
Biff Jerquee
Di Jest
Shirley U. Jest (Surely You Jest)
Shirley U. Jest
Ed Jewcation (Education)
Belle Jinwaffles
Della Joke
Hugh Jorgan
Mary Juana (Marijuana)
Mary Juana
Erin Judgement
Orin Julius
Major Jump
Selma Junkoff
Ann Jyna
Al Kaholic (Alcoholic)
May Kaliving
Al Kaseltzer (Alkaseltzer)
Tom Katt
Bob Katz
Shelly Keatsenbyron
Dawn Keebals (Donkey Balls)
Bea Keeper
Mel Keetehts (Milky Tits)
Mel Keeway
Joe Kerr
Wayne Kerr (Wanker)
Anne Kersaway
Cal Kewlus
Allen Key
Lee Keyrear (Leaky Rear)
Mike Keyster
Al Kickurass (I'll Kick Your Ass)
Al Killeu (I'll Kill You)
Otto B. Kilt (Ought to be Killed)
Manny Kin
Faye King
Faye King
Joe King (Joking)
Joe King
Joe King
Lee King
Rufus Lee King
Aldo Kingsmen
Faye Kinitt
Faye Kinnitt (Faking It)
Howie Kisster
May I. Kissu
Joe Kizonu
Rick Kleiner (Recliner)
Rick Kleiner
Jack Knife
Stanley Knife
Holly Knight
Jed I. Knight (Jedi Knight)
Samson Knight
Sy Len Knight
Shirley Knot (Surely not?)
Cosmo Knott
G.Y. Knott
Shirley Knott
Harry Knuckles
Chris Ko (Crisco)
Cy Kocess
Jack Koff (Jack Off)
Al Koholic
Al Koholic
Ellie Kopter
Rhonda Korner
Cy Kosis (Psychosis)
Jimmy Krackorn
Chris P. Kreem
Kris P. Kreme
Harry Krishna
Anna Kronism
Ivana Kutchukokoff (I Wanna Cut Your Cock Off)
Cole Kutz (Cold cuts) See - Bill Lowney, Sal Ami, Sal Sage and Peppy Roni
Ty Kwando
Manuel Labor (Manual labor) - This one is from a crank call, found HERE
Manuel Labor
Manuel Labour
Perry Lakes
Ho Lee Lam
Shaun Lamb
Eva Lanch
Ned Lands
Victor E. Lane
Lucy Lastik
Albie Latefordinner
Alex M. Later
Ike Laudius
Marcia Law
Marcia Law
Moe de Lawn
Helmut Lawz
Amanda Lay (A Man To Lay)
Val Lay (Valet)
Alex Blaine Layder (I'll Explain Later)
Chanda Lear (Chandalear)
Chandra Lear
Shandra Lear
Basil Leaves
Basil Leaves
Russell Leaves
T. Leaves
Daryl Lect (Derelict)
Brock Lee
Sarah Lee
Brock Lee Spears
Bill Leeake (Belly Ache)
Ima B. Leever (I'm A Believer)
Russell Leeves
Peg Legg
Wilma Leggrowbach (Will My Leg Grow Back?)
Beth Lehem
Earl Leigh
Al Lejance
Nora Lenderbee
Ty Lenol
Darius Lesgettham (There He Is, Let's Get Him)
Maura Less
Morris Less
Penny Less
Lorna Lesson
Moe Lester (Molester)
E. Z. Levin
Lynn O. Liam
Bjorn Liar
Dee Licious
Mandy Lifeboats
Cal Lifornia
Bud Light
Dee Lightful
Tanya Lightov
Al Ligori
Mortimer Liking
Darrell Likt
Isiah Lilprair
Amanda Lin
Drew Lingidiot
Connie Lingus (Cunnilingus)
Anna Linjection (Anal Injection)
Jane Linkfence (Chainlink Fence)
Dee Linquent
Ira Linquish
Ruby Lips
Anna List
Kendall Litedinner
Hal Litosis
Kitty Litter
Kitty Litter
Mona Littlemore
Lily Livard (Lily Livered)
Candy Liver
Ida Liver
Frieda Livery
Won Heung Lo
Penny Loafers
Stan A. Loan
Jim Locher
Jimmy de Locke
Meg Lomaniac
Liv Long
Myles Long
Mysha Long (My Shlong)
June Long-Weekend
Drew D. Lookinglass
Anne T. Lope (Antelope)
Drew Lots
Kara Lott
Mona Lott
Wendy Lottery
Amanda Love
Mel Lowe
Bill Lowney (Bologna) See - Cole Kutz, Sal Ami, Sal Sage and Peppy Roni
Bill Lowney
Major Luke Twice
Al Luminum (Aluminum)
Gunther Lunch
Hal E. Luya (Hallelujah)
Ollie Luyah
Lance Lyde (Landslide)
Lance Lyde
Ron Lykell
Brooke Lynn
Michelle Lynn (Michelin)
Laura Lynn Hardy (Laurel and Hardy)
Ben Lyon (Been lieing) I saw this one in the phone book!
Dan D. Lyon (Dandelion)
Dan D. Lyon
Nida Lyte (Need a Light)
Elvis MacPherson
Jodie Maggio
Phil Maglassup
Annie Mah (Enema)
Taylor Maide
Myra Maines (My Remains)
Myra Mains
Art Majors
Willy Makeit
Willie Makit
Joe Mamma
Al Manac
Juan Manband
Gerry Mander
Jerry Mander
Jerry Mander
Sal A. Mander
Sal A. Mander
Sally Mander
Otto Manempire
Wayne A. Manger
Sam Manilla (Salmonella)
Sam Manilla
Hugh Manity
Anita Mann
Bea A. Mann
Gill T. Mann
Hugh D. Mann
Mr E. Mann
Rich Mann
Yolanda Mann
Rita Manweape
Randy Marathon
Victor E. March
Archie Martin
Chris Mass (Christmas)
Chris Mass
Dot Matrix
Otto Mattick
Oswald Matung
Willie Maykit (Will He Make It?)
Cindy Mayle
Jason Mazda
Fay McAdemey
Phil McAvity
Pat McCann
Jack McCarrup
Phil McCavity
Angus McCoatup
Phil McCracken (Fill My Crack In)
Phillip McCrevice (Fill up my Crevice)
Holden Mcgroin (Holding My Groin)
Mary Me
Rob Me
Sue Me
Lynn Meabuck (Lend Me a Buck)
Lee Mealone
Misty Meanor (Misdemeanor)
Perry Medik
Mark Medown
Ewen Mee
Ewen Mee
Robin Meeblind (Robbing Me Blind)
Dinah Meechah
Lena Meete
Carrie Mehome
Kerry Mehome
Bill Melater
Marsha Mello
Walter Mellon
Walter Melon (Watermelon)
Patty Meltt (Umm....Patty Melt)
Henry Member
Ira Member
Band Members
Ella Mentary
Moe Mentum
Jack Meoff (Jack Me Off)
Zelda Merchindiz
Bea Merry
Phil Metaljacket
Milly Meter (Millimeter)
Adam Meway (Out of My Way)
Carrie Micote
Hugh Midor
Carra S. Midown (Caress Me Down)
Jane Miedown
Phil Miesky
Dinah Might
Phil A. Mignon
Hugh Miliation
Sonya Mind
Morgan Mindy
Morris Minor
Franklin Mint
Harris Mint (Harassment)
Milo Minute
Les Miserable
Maury Missions
Carrie Miyaway
Waylon Moan
Otto Mobile
Juan Moment
Sal Monella
Sal Monella
Ernest Money
Marion Money (Marrying Money)
Marion Money
Oliver Money
Owen Money
Sarah Money
Cyndy Moneyplease
Hugh Mongous
Claire Mont
Ali Mony
Ali Mony
Darrell B. Moore (There'll be More)
Lon Moore (Lawn Mower)
Craven Moorehead (Craving More Head) - Ok, so I finally put this one up!
Ayma Moron (I'm a Moron)
Tom Morrow
Juan Mortime
Pete Moss
Pete Moss
Rory Motion
Rocky Mountain
April Mourning
Harry Mouval
Seymour Movies
Ron A. Muck (Run Amuck)
Anna Mull (Animal)
Max E. Mumm (Maximum)
Minnie Mumwage
Barry Mundi
Hugh Mungous (Humungous)
Hugh Mungous
Owen Munnie
D. John Mustard
Pat Myckok (Pat My Cock)
Ruben Mycock (Rubbing My Cock) - Feel free to substitute My (Insert Anything Here)
Frank Lee Mydear
Jerry Myer
Phil Myez (Feel My Ass)
Phil Mypockets (Fill my pockets)
Chuck Mysak (Chuck My Sack)
Mark Mywords (Mark My Words)
Mark Mywords
Mark Mywords
Nick Nack
Sarah Nade
Rusty Nail
Buck Naked
Christian Name
Nick Name
Nick Name
Sara Narra
Bo Narrow
Lou Narryclips
Jim Nasium (Gymnasium)
Jim Nastic
Jim Nastics
Lou Natic
Emma G. Nation
Uri Nation
Uri Nation
Joe Navark
Jim Nazium
Jim Nazium
Pearl Necklace
Ira Nee
Sharon Needles
Casey Needzit (In Case He Needs It)
Kay Nein
Kay Neine (Canine)
Bo Nessround (Bonus Round)
Clara Nett (Clarinet)
Lisa Neucar (Lease a New Car)
Emmanuelle Neverforget
Tara Newhall (Tear a New Hole)
Hadley Newham
Avery Niceman
Emma Niceuns
Justin D. Nickotime
Samson Night (Samsonite)
Juan Nightstand (One Night Stant)
Kay Nine
Eve Ning (Evening)
Eve Ninnall
Al Nino (El Nino)
Adolf Oliver Nippils (Ate Off All Of Her Nipples)
Howard I. No (How Would I Know?)
Woody U. No (What Do You Know?)
Donatello Nobatti
Denise R Nobbly
Cheryl Noble
Perry Noid
Ellie Noise (Illinois) - See "Cal Efornia", "Neve Vadda", "Louise E. Anna"
Denise R. Nokkin
Oscar Nomination
Oscar Nomination
Sue Nommie
Hein Noon (High Noon)
Laura Norder
Constance Noring
Harvey Norman
Trudy Nose
Shamus Notfriday
Anna Notherthing
Alice Notlost
Will Nott
Myna Notyorrs
Miss Terri Novel
Lee Nover (Lean Over)
Alan Noya
Frank Noys
Justin Nuff
Chris P. Nugget (Crispy Nugget)
Mal Nutrition
Ray D. O'Actif
Bea O'Problem
Ray O'Sunshine
Carrie Oakey (Karaoke)
Carrie Oakey
Carrie Oakey
Mick L. Obe
Doris Oben
Di O'Bolic (Diobolic)
Judy Obscure
Mike Ockhurts (My Cock Hurts)
Mike Ocksmall (My Cock's Small)
Nick L. Odeon
Patty O'dors
Mel O'Dramer
Ben O'Drill (Benadryl)
Mark Off
Mark Off
Hans Offah
Phylis Officle
Paddy O'Furniture
Patty O'Furniture (Patio Furniture)
Upton O'Good
Angie O'Gram
Hans Ohff
Olive Oil
Kerry Oki
Jack O'Lantern
Isaiah Olchap
Sigourney Oldjoke
Ralph Oliver
Eve O'Lution (Evolution)
Mel N. Oma
Ann O'Malley
Ole O'Margerine
Al O'Moaney (Alimony)
Cy Onara
May O'Nays (Mayonaise)
Liz Onnhyah
Liz Onnia (Lasagna)
Melvin Onupp
Kay O'Pectate (Kaopectate)
Ken Opener (Can Opener)
Ken Opener
Angie O'Plasty
Bea O'Problem (B.O. Problem)
Elle O'Quent (Eloquent)
Lauren Order
Otto Order
Madge Ority
Eve N. Orodd
Tom Orrow
Colin Oscopy
Colin Oscopy
Rick O'Shea (Ricochet)
Rick O'Shea
Rick O'Shea
Jenn O'Side
Di Osma
Ian O'Sphere
Ron Osserous
Phil O'Stine
Ray O'Sunshine
Nick O'Teen (Nicotine)
Nick O'Teen
Will O'Tree
Mary Ott (Marriot) - See "Holly Dayin (Holiday Inn)" and "Moe Telsiks"
Rick Ottercheese
Wendell Ottery
Wiley Oursaway
Chuck Out
Cy Q. Out
Peter Out
Peter Out
Paulie O'Vaccine
Jack Ovalltrades
Eileen Over
Eileen Over
Luke Over
Marge N. O'Vera
Ed Overeels
Milo Overhead
Gladys Overwith
Nick Ovtime (Nick Of Time)
Seymour Ovu
Madka Owdiseez (Mad Cow Disease)
Kareem O'Wheat (Cream of Wheat)
Igottmy Ownbak
Lily Pad
Max E. Pad (Maxi Pad)
Stu Padasso (Stupid Asshole)
Lily Padd
Constance Paine
Ophelia Paine
Winston Paine
Crystal Palace
Rita Palm
Sarah-Belle Palsy
Hank E. Panky (Hanky Panky)
Tim Panny
Jim Pansey
Polly Esther Pantts (Polyester Slacks)
Peter Pantz (Peed her pants)
Dale E. Paper
Lou Paper
Rita Paper
Howe D. Pardner (Howdy Partner)
April N. Paris
Victoria Park
Noah Parken
Charlotte Pass
Daisy Patch
Roy L. Payne
Warren Peace
Drew Peacock (Droopy Cock)
Warren Peece
Noah Peel
Cody Pendant (Co-Dependant)
Cody Pendant
Pat Pending
Sal T. Penuz (Salty Penis or Peanuts)
Frieda People
Ima Pepper
Des Peratte
Pam Perdbrat
Sue Perficial
Sue Permann (Superman)
Sue Permann
Tim Pest
Ira Pete
Mordana Pheeling
Tom Phulery
Tom Phulery
Wanda Phull
Des Picable
Mimi Pickmey
Warren Piece (War and Peace)
Clay Pigeon
Clay Pigeon
Wendy Pigsfly
Duane Pipe
Dwayne Pipes (Drain Pipes)
Cec Pitt
Col Pitt
Doug A. Pitt
Stu Pitt (Stupid)
Cheri Pitts
Oliver de Place
Adolph De Plate
Quinton Plates (Contemplates) - Only thing I could think of...
Maura Plause
Paul D. Plug
Norm De Plume
Tad Pohl
Lou Pole
Gene Pool
Gene Poole (Gene Pool)
Jean Poole
Elsa Poppin
Ezra Ported
Bill Posters
Jack Pot (Jackpot!)
Zack A. Potatoes
Jack Pott
Jack Pott
Craig Potz (Crackpots)
Will Power
Will Power
Mel Practiss (Malpractice)
Anna Prentice
Vanna T. Press
Dee Pressed
Dee Pressed
Morty Prest
Arlo Prices
Homan Provement (Home Improvent) And yes, I do know a guy named Homan!
Hu Flung Pu (Who Flung Poo?)
Ray Pugh (Rape You)
Sam Pull (Sample)
Sam Pull
Morrie Pulsive
Achilles Punks (I'll Kill These Punks)
Sue Purb
Sue Purvisor
Randy Quartermile
Henny Questions
Molly Quewl
Obie Quiet
Verna Lee Quinox
Justin Quiring
Grace Quirrel
Van Quish
Emmitt Radiation
Jason Rainbows
Knute Ralize
Zack Ramento
Betty B. Ready
Joel Rebocks
Amanda B. Recandwithe (A Man to Be Reckoned With)
Amanda Reckonwith
Emmanuel Recount
Hugh G. Rection (Huge Erection)
Barry A. Reef
Coral Reef
Didi Reelydoit (Did He Really Do It?)
Anna Reksic
I. Shelby Released
Zack Religious
Warren Remembrance
Curt Reply
Kurt Reply
Matt Ress
Diane B. Resurrected
Ann L. Retentive
Shelby Revenged
Anna Rexiya (Anorexia)
Stacey Rhect (Stays Erect)
Dusty Rhodes
Danita Rhyde
Noah Riddle
Sue Ridge (Sewage)
Sue Ridge
Sue Ridge
Sue Ridgepipe
Bignue Rigg
Isabelle Ringing
Wanda Rinn
Arthur Ritus
Arthur River
Franklin River
Gordon River
Margaret River
Murray River
Warren River
Todd River-Regatta
Hudson Rivers
Ross River-Virus
Dusty Roads
Chuck Roast (Hmmm...Chuck Roast?)
Chuck Roast
Bruce Rock
Roland Rock
Roland Rock
Curt N. Rodd (Curtain Rod)
Mike Rohsopht (Microsoft)
Emma Roids (Hemorrhoids)
Mike Romanage
Alf A. Romeo
Pepe Roni
Peppy Roni (Pepperoni) See - Cole Kutz, Sal Ami, Sal Sage, and Bill Lowney
Skip Roper
Guy Ropes
Mike Rosoft
Jenna Rossity
Mike Rotch
Mike Rotchburns (My Crotch Burns) - Another one in this "Obscene Series"
Liza Round
Clark Rubber
Abe Rudder (Hey Brother)
Mike Rufone
C. Howie Run
Edan Run
Homer Run
Lois Rung
Phil Rupp
Jack Russell
Art Ryduss
Clara Sabell (Clear as a Bell)
Sal Sage (Sausage) See - Cole Kutz, Sal Ami, Bill Lowney and Peppy Roni
Pete Sake
Pete Sake
Seaman Sample (Semen Sample) - In the Navy.....
Renee Sance (Renaisance)
Jane Sandwhips
Curt Sanwhey
Pete Sapalla
Adam Sapple (Adam's Apple)
Marcus Satan
Pastor Sauce
Lou Scannon
Len Scapon
Tristan Schaut
Boyd Schidt (Bird Shit)
Phyllis Schlong (Feel his Shlong)
Biff Schteck
Clint Schteeth
Doris Schutt
Perry Scope
Phillip Screwdriver
Phillip Screwdriver
Linus Scrimmage
Tina See (Tennessee)
Cal Seeium (Calcium) - The name "Cal" basically goes with any word starting with "cal"
Hayden Seek (Hide & Seek)
Ken U. Seemee
Abbie Seenia
Bea Seleboat
Al K. Seltzer
Dee Sember (December)
Frank N. Sense
Frank N. Sense
Alex Septicall
Kay Sera
Ann Serdifone
Ray Sersharpe
Dawn Service
Barbara Seville
Homer Sexual (Homosexual)
Nadia Seymour (Now do you see more?)
Hal Seyon
Daisy Shane
Don K. Shane
Sharon Sharalike
Klaus Shave
Rick Shaw
Ken Shebakeapye
Sue Shee
Jimmy Shelter
Sue Shi (Sushi) - One of my personal favorites...From The CranKings
Barry Shmelly (Very Smelly)
Tyrone Shoelaces
Tyrone Shoes (Tie Your Own Shoes)
Wendy Shoofitz
Amal Shookup
Jim Shorts
Jim Shortz
Ed N. Shoulders
Tai Mai Shu
Jim Shue
Eric Shun (Erection)
Dick Shunn
Bermuda Shwartz
Colin Sick
Herb E. Side (Herbiside)
Lee Side
Sue E. Side (Suicide)
Art Sifartsi
Vera Similitude
Cardinal Sin
Cardinal Sin
Mrs. Sippy
Lou Sirr (Loser)
Judy Siscariot
Moe Skeeto (Mosquito)
Amos Skietto
Elmer Sklue (Elmer's Glue)
Claude N. Skretchem (Clawed and Scratched Them)
Minnie Skurt (Miniskirt)
Jacob Sladder
Bob Sled
Bob Sledd
Sid E. Slicker
Faye Slift (Face Lift)
Faye Slift
Lou Slips
Dinah Sloedeth
Kim Payne Slogan (Campaign Slogan)
Rachel Slur
Uriel Smart
Carrie Smattick
Lou Smorals
Lou Smorels
Mikhail Snavy
Dot Snice
Ella Snofury
Will So
Anne T. Social
Faye Soffe
Payne N. Sofren
Danielle Soloud (Don't Yell So Loud)
Rennie Sonceman
Dinah Sore (Dinosaur)
Dinah Sore
Minnie Sota
Jim Sox
Carla Spadeaspade
Asa Spades
Duane N. Spane
Frank Lee Speaking
Morrie Spect
Nora Spect
Sir Irving Spoon
Mark Z. Spot (Mark The Spot)
Alice Springs
Russell Sprout
Chi Spurger (Cheeseburger)
Bruce Stadium
Amy Stake
Mike Stand
Hedda State
Colleen L. Stations
Stanley Steamer
Rusty Steele
Lois Steem
Frank N. Stein (Frankenstein)
Frank N. Stein
Frank N. Stein
Phylis Stein
Patrick Stevedore
Joy Stick
Joy Stick
Tess Stickle
Bea Sting (Bee Sting)
I. Ron Stomach (Iron Stomach)
Rosetta Stone
Keith Stonecops
Grant Stoome
Lou Stooth (Loose Tooth)
Randy Stopsign
Candy Store
Max Stout
Helmut Strap
Helmut Strap
Jacques Strap (Jock Strap)
Jacques Strap
Jock Strap
William Street
Lucinda Streets
Perry Stroika
Andy Structible (Indestructible)
Eli Struiznose
Evan Stubetsy
Dean F. Studence
Lou Stuhl
Mick Stupp
Mick Stupp
Oliver Sudden
Francis Sue Wrenduring
Cuba Sugar
Enid Suhdrink
Ivan Sumbudy
Dawn Sunrise
Eve Sunset
Dan Surround
Hammond Swiss
Dan Swithmi
Eva Sye
Penn Sylpuscher
Mabel Syrup (Maple Syrup)
Buddy System
Ali Tabed
Sheila Tack
May Tag
Brice Tagg (Price Tag)
Miles Tagoe
O. Takashawa
Fay Tality
Mort Tality
Hugh Talkinamee
Faye Tallity (Fatality)
Mort Tallity (Mortality)
Tim Tam
Sherman Tank
Ty Tannick (Titanic)
Leah Tard
Ali Tarise
Leo Tarred (Leotard)
Ann Tartica (Antartica)
Ann Tartica
Ty Tass (Tight Ass)
Jess Tate
Dick Tater (Dictator)
Dick Tater
Dick Tator
Ben Taxel
Dick Tayshone
Fleur Tayshuss
Payne Tcherwagon
Billy Tea
Anne Teak
Ann Teaks
Rosa Teeth
Dinah Tell
Anne Tellope
Zoe Tellsus
Moe Telsiks (Motel Six) - See "Holly Dayin (Holiday Inn)" and "Mary Ott (Marriot)"
Max Temp
Lou Tenant
Lou Tenant
Carlotta Tendant (Car Lot Attendant)
Amir Tenminetz
Ann Tennah
Evelyn Tent
Chad Terbocks (Chatterbox)
Kate Terdaffair
Descriptive Terms
Saul E. Terry
Willy Tert
Will N. Testament
Ben Thair (Been There) See- "Don Thatt (Done That)"
Don Thatt (Done That) See "Ben Thair (Ben There)"
Don Thatt
Kim E. Thatt
Ben Thayer
Harvey Theryet
Aaron Thetires (Air in the Tires)
Juan F. Thiesdeis
Harris Thinninout
Mary Thonn (Marathon)
Althea Thoon
Lou-Sid Thoughts
Miss Anne Thrope
Warren Through
Yvonne Tibet
Fran Tick
Luna Tick (Lunatic)
Tess Tickle (Testicle)
Rip Tile (Reptile)
Justin Time
Mark D Time
Ben Tinbroken
Phyllis Tine
Will Ting
Mel Tingpoint
Ben Tinhalf
Ivana Tinkle ( I Want to Tinkle)
Ivana Tinkle
Dean E. Tiny
Vlad Tire (Flat Tire)
Al Titude
Al Titude
Henador Titzhoff (He Gnawed Her Tits Off) - A real name in an Austin, TX phonebook
Ophelia Titzoff (I'll Feel Your Tits Off)
Cain Toad
Hugo Tobed
Dee Tocks
Tom A. Toe
Dennis Toffice (Dentist Office)
Gus Tofwin (Gust of Wind)
Hoyt E. Toity
Colin Toksho
Diane Toluvia (Dyin' to Love Ya)
Sarah Tonin
Gerald Tonwax
Hope Toodye
Sandy Topsoil
Sandy Topsoil
Lars Torders
Clint Toris (Clitoris)
Michael Toris (My Clitoris)
Mary Torrious
Melissa Tothis (Ma, Listen to This)
Bjorn Toulouse
Bill Toupee
Andy Tover
Terry Towelling
Marsha D. Toysoldiers
Iona Trailer
Lisa Trailer
Manuel Transmission
Joshua Tree
Vic Tree
Alec Tricity (Electricity)
Vic Trolla
Matt Tromony
Pat Troneiz
Klaus Trophobia
Alba Tross
Herbie Trothed
Erin Troublenow
Carlotta Troubles
Ross Trum
Evan Tually
Dwayne de Tubb
Phil de Tubb
Ken Tucky
Ken Tucky
Bud Tuggli
Ivan Tugo
Jenny Tull (Genital)
Hannah Tumey
Carrie A. Tune
Quinn Tuplett
Liv Turegretit
Ed Turner
Paige Turner (Page Turner)
Paige Turner
Anna Turney
Colin Tusayhi
Ivan Tustay
May I. Tutchem (May I Touch Them?)
Abe L. Tuwok
Glen Twenty
Ann Twerp
Bess Twishes (Best Wishes)
Sydney Two-Thousand
Ed U. Kate
Randy Udderway
Brian T. Umor
Gilda Umpire
Opie Umsgood (Opium's Good)
Reed Undant
Strom Undrang
Duke Untinue
Hans Up
Hans Up
Jethro Up
Bob Uppendown
Sam Urai (Samurai)
Tate Urchips (Tater Chips)
Mark Urr
Ella Vader (Elevator)
Ella Vader
Rocco Vages
Noah Vale
Helena Valley
Lilly D. Valley
Heidi Valuables
Leigh Vamessage
Cal Varee
Ella Vashow
Howie Vasive
Ollie Vatip
Ivana Veekoff
Percy Veer
Percy Veering
Val Veeta (Velveeta)
Constance Velocity
Bertha Venation
Ed Venture (Adventure)
Ed Venture
Ari Verderci
Hedda Verheals
Vishnu Verhere
Annie Versary
Di Verse
Mel Ville
Beau Vine (Bovine)
Telly Vision (Television)
Lee Vitalone
Ginger Vitis (Gingervitis)
Lee Vitout
Ginger Vitus
Val Volean
Herbie Voor (Herbivore)
Claire Voyant
Juan Voyce
Patti Wack
Sherman Wadd Evver (Sure Man, Whatever)
Polly Waffle
Chuck Waggon
Patty Wagon
Willie Wagtail
Candace Waite
Hugh Wake
Waldo Walcarpet
Jay Walker (Uhhh...Jay Walker)
Jay Walker
Jay Walker
Baxter D. Wall
Ed Wardian
Luke Warm
Luke Warm
Gail Warning
Andy Watched
Andy Watched
Sir Fin Waves (Surfin' Waves)
Farrah Way
Farrah Way
Claude S. Waytodutop
June Wedding
Dylan Weed (Dealin' Weed)
Harry Weiner (Hairy Wiener)
Bud Weiser (Budweiser)
Bud Weiser
Bud Weiser
Midas Welbe
Alice Well
Midas Well (Might As Well...)
Biff Wellington
Mary Lee Werollalong
Skye West
Otto Whackew (Ought to Whack You)
Ewen Whadarmy
Ida Whana (I Don't Want to)
Jan U. Wharry (January)
Ewan Whatarmy (You and What Army?)
Al Lloyd Wheel
Catherine Wheel
Sam Which
Pearl E White (Pearly White)
Pearl E. Whites
Benjamin Widaband
Barnaby Wilde
Abel N. Willan (Able and Willing)
Augusta Wind
Wendy Windblows
Trudy Window
Perry Winkel
Guy Wires
Penny Wise
Ike Witt
Howell N. Wolfe
Alison Wonderland
Betty Wont
\Willie R. Wontee
Betty Wontshow
Holly Wood (Hollywood)
Ken Wooddryer
Trina Woods
Poppa Woody (Pop A Woody)
Sadie Word (Say the Word)
Frank Words
Penny Worth
Allen Wrench
Eaton Wright
Shirley Wright
Zack Lee Wright
Eileen Tudor -Wright
Shelby Wrightmate
Cybil Wrights
Emma Wroids
Alpha Kenny Wun (I'll Fuck Anyone)
Talia Wutt
Terry Yaki
Will Yashadup
Aaron Yerfavor
Meg Yermindup
Trudy Yerschool
Olive Yew
Boyer Yewdumm
Anne Yewelevent
Dot Yorize
Eileen Yorway
Sue Yourazzof (Sue Your Ass Off)
Maude Yuller
Val Yumm
Emil Yunair
Izzie Yupyet
Watson Yurface
Gene E. Yuss (Genius)
Eugene Yussyew
Bill Zabub
Anne Zac
Penny Zaday
Pete Zahutt
Ian Zane
Adam Zapel
Pete Zaria (Pizzeria)
Noah Zark
Dee Zaster
Curt Zee (Curtsy)
Ray Zeebar
B.L. Zeebob
Guy Zendalls
Ida Zervbetter
Ray Zerzedge
Al Zheimer
Bob Zherunckle
Al B. Zienya (I'll Be Seeing You)
Andy Zoff
Ed Zortails
Dick Zucker (Dick Sucker...You Know Who You Are)
Ed Zup
Andy Zupp
Ed Zyuwin

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